Innovation incubators

The program is intended for accredited scientific research organizations with a vision for developing innovation-driven entrepreneurship.

Innovation incubators

In the context of this program, the Innovation Incubator is a special part of the R&D organization which provides infrastructure and support in the form of training, mentoring and counseling for students, professors and researchers, in order to develop new products and services, business ideas and achieve success in the innovation market. This program aims to, through financing the establishing and development of Innovation Incubators in R&D organizations, empower students, professors and researchers to develop their innovative ideas and research results into sustainable startups, through a combination of mentoring, professional and technical support. The ultimate goal of this program is to create sustainable startups and strengthen cooperation between the private and academic sectors.

Who can apply:

  • An accredited R&D organization that recognized the need to establish and develop an Innovation Incubator within its organization. The list of accredited scientific research organizations is available at the link.

Depending on whether the applicant has an established Innovation Incubator or not, he can submit an application for:

  • Establishing and development of Innovation Incubator
  • Further development of Innovation Incubator.

The applicant can submit only one application independently or in cooperation with a partner. The partner can be another R&D organization and/or science and technology park and/or startup support organization.

Financial Support:

• up to 6,000,000 dinars for the establishing and development of an Innovation Incubator;

• up to 5,000,000 dinars for the further development of the Innovation Incubator.

This non-refundable financial support covers 100% of the approved budget. Support includes covering the costs of human resources, organization of trainings, mentoring, promotion as well as development of revenue models, thus ensuring the future self-sustainability of the incubator.

Financing period: 12 months, provided that, if the Applicant meets the set indicators and conditions, and the Fund provides additional funds, the financing period can be extended for another year (12 months).

Documentation to be submitted when applying:

  1. Completed Application Form (in PDF format), containing:
    • Basic information about the аpplicant;
    • Description of relevant experience related to building and strengthening innovative and entrepreneurial culture;
    • Description of activities and indicators for the first year of financing and indicative for the second year of financing;
    • Short biographies of team members (maximum 3) who will be working in the Innovation Incubator;
    • Budget for the first year of financing and indicative budget for the second year of financing;
    • Applicant Statement.
  2. Completed Budget form
  3. A document confirming that the space with the necessary work equipment intended for the Innovation Incubator in the R&D organization is available, unencumbered and put to use in accordance with the objectives of this Program for a minimum of 24 months from the date of publication of the Public Call (in PDF format);
  4. Signed partnership agreement(s) if the application is submitted with one or more partners (in PDF format).

The necessary documentation for the application is available on: Documentation

Public call is available on the following link.

Applications are submitted at the Innovation Fund's email address:

Public call: Closed.

Financing of the Program for Establishing and Development of Innovation Incubators in R&D Organizations is provided from the budget of the Republic of Serbia, from the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation for 2024. The Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation launched this program in 2023, and from 2024 its implementation will be taken over by the Innovation Fund. By now, The Ministry supported the establishment and operation of 14 innovation incubators.