
Serbia continues to strengthen its position as a leader in innovation and technological development in the region. As part of the European Opportunity Week, the Innovation Fund has officially presented the results of the IPA 2019 project Increased innovation capacity and growth of SMEs, which allocated EUR 20.9 million to support 96 innovative projects across Serbia. These funds will significantly improve the competitiveness of Serbian small and medium-sized enterprises and enable them access to new markets.

The Innovation Fund ceremony, held at the Europe House in Belgrade, brought together officials from the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Delegation of the European Union, as well as representatives from the private and academic sectors, highlighting the successful collaboration between Serbia and the EU in fostering innovation and economic growth through joint investments. The ceremony began with the official confirmation of the awarded projects, with congratulations extended to the companies by Ivan Rakonjac, Director of the Innovation Fund, Dejan Šuvakov, Program Manager at the EU Delegation in Serbia, and Vladimir Radovanović, Assistant Minister for Science, Technological Development, and Innovation.

The continued collaboration between Serbia and the European Union has contributed to the development of a strong innovation ecosystem, focused on building a modern and competitive economy based on knowledge, innovation, and advanced technologies.

"These funds are not just financial support, but a strategic investment in Serbia's long-term development. Small and medium-sized enterprises are the backbone of our country's economic progress, accounting for 90% of economic activity and holding the greatest potential for driving innovation, creating new jobs, and boosting Serbia's competitiveness in the global market," said Dr. Jelena Begović, Minister of Science, Technological Development, and Innovation. She added, "The Innovation Fund, through whose programs we have achieved significant results, has played a key role in providing financial and expert support for the development of innovative projects, with over EUR 114 million invested so far."

"Our goal is to strengthen Serbia's position as a regional leader in innovation and technological progress. Together with our partners from the European Union, we are creating conditions that enable our scientists and entrepreneurs to reach their full potential, making Serbia increasingly competitive on the global stage," concluded Minister Begović.

The project, with a total value of EUR 26 million, is financed by the European Union's Pre-Accession Funds (IPA 2019) and the budget of the Republic of Serbia, with the goal of strengthening innovation capacities and increasing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises. The Innovation Fund, which has been supporting Serbia's innovation community for over a decade, has further strengthened the capacities of SMEs through this project, accelerated the development of innovative solutions, and contributed to greater connectivity between science and industry. The development of new solutions spans a wide range of industrial sectors, including information technology, mechanical engineering, electronics, energy efficiency, and more.

"Serbia is now in a position to become a regional hub for technological advancement. Our joint efforts, focused on developing entrepreneurship, research, and innovation, have directly contributed to creating conditions for the rapid and efficient application of new technological solutions in practice. We have proven to be a key partner in building an innovation ecosystem that enables sustainable economic growth in Serbia," said Emanuele Giaufret, Ambassador and Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the Serbia, during his address at the ceremony.

He added that the European Union has been an active and key partner in this process from the very beginning. "With the support of 96 new projects through the Innovation Fund, we are ensuring that Serbian companies have all the necessary resources for innovation and global competitiveness. The EU's investment in this sector of over EUR 90 million demonstrates our commitment to building a modern Serbian economy based on knowledge and innovation. This partnership lays the foundation for long-term growth and new opportunities for Serbian citizens and businesses,” emphasized Ambassador Giaufret.

During the ceremony, special emphasis was placed on companies that have achieved significant results with the support of the Innovation Fund's programs. One example of best practice was presented by the startup ECO Hive, which demonstrated its innovative product, Beehives of the future, for the automatic removal of bee mites – varroa, proving that innovations from Serbia can have a global impact and address real-world challenges. Thanks to this innovation, beekeepers can rest assured that their products will remain completely organic and their bees healthy and productive.

“Without the support of the Innovation Fund and EU our journey would have been much more difficult. Their financial and advisory assistance enabled us to achieve our goal and offer a product that helps beekeepers all over the world”, said Nikola Teomirović, founder of the startup ECO Hive.


During the implementation of the Project, the IF implemented two public calls for the development of innovative products, services and technologies within the support program, and a total of 617 innovative project proposals were received.

Review of innovative projects under the first public call

Review of innovative projects under the second public call


Direct Grant - Increased innovation capacity and growth of SMEs is signed between the Innovation Fund and Ministry of Finance - the Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Programs (CFCU) provides funds for the continuation of Mini Grants Program, Matching Grants Program and Collaborative Grant Scheme Program. 

The total budget of the Direct Grant Agreement is EUR 26 million, of which EUR 16 million is from the European Union Pre-Accession Assistance for 2019 (IPA 2019) and EUR 10 million is from the budget of the Republic of Serbia, under the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation.

The amount allocated for financing approved projects under the Mini Grants Program, Matching Grants Program and Collaborative Grant Scheme Program financed under this Direct Grant Agreement is EUR 20.6 million. More about the project can be found on http://www.inovacionifond.rs/