Belgrade University among the top 500 universities in the World
The University of Belgrade for the first time ranked as one of top 500 universities in the world according to the Shanghai list.
“Being on the Shanghai list means a lot to us. This list represents only two percent of universities in the world. Being a part of this 2% will improving the rating of our diplomas in the world and will also increase the chances for foreign students to study at our University” – said prof. dr Branko Kovacevic, Rector of the University of Belgrade.
The top ten universities on the Shanghai list are eight U.S. and two British universities. Universities from neighboring countries are ranked between 401st and 500th place, including the University of Zagreb and Ljubljana.
Among the top 20, 17 universities are American, two British, and on the 20th place one university from Asia – University of Tokyo. In recent years the undisputed first place belongs to Harvard followed by Stanford, MIT, Berkeley, Cambridge, California Institute of Technology, Princeton, Columbia, University of Chicago and Oxford. With the Belgrade University being among the top 500 universities, Serbia has become the 43rd country on the Shanghai list.
The University of Belgrade has also improved its ranking in the latest “Webometrix” list where it ranked 547th in competition with more than 20,000 international universities.